
The outletMachNumberPressure is a boundary condition that maintains a certain subsonic Mach number at an outlet patch by dynamically adjusting the static outlet pressure. It makes it possible, for example, to simulate the flow in a preturbine engine exhaust manifold, without resolving details of the flow inside the turbine. In general, the flow in a choked nozzle can be non-trivial and expensive to simulate.

This formulation is derived from a simple model of the gas flow through a nozzle with fixed geometry. The nozzle flow is assumed to be quasi-steady, 1D, isentropic and compressible.

This gives the following general relationship between pressure ratio and Mach number in any cross section inside the nozzle:

\[\frac{p_{tot}}{p}=\left[ 1+ \frac{k-1}{2}\;M^2 \right]^{\frac{k}{k-1}}\]

where the constant ratio of heat capacities is \(k=c_p/c_v\). The Mach number in the cross section is \(M=V/c\), where \(c\) is the speed of sound and V is the uniform velocity in the streamwise direction.

Overall pressure difference across the nozzle is \(r = pBack/p_{tot}\)

When \(k=1.4\), the flow in the nozzle throat becomes choked when \(r<0.5\) and non-choked otherwise. This implementation is not applicable when \(r>=1\) where backflow would occur.

The nozzle model assumption locks the relationship between nozzle cross sectional areas and Mach numbers. For a choked flow it is only the Mach number on the outlet patch, \(M_{outlet}\), that needs to be stated in the boundary dictionary.

Care should be taken however to ensure that the entries in the input dictionary and the CFD geometry satisfy the following equation \(c1\frac{A_{outlet}}{A_1}=\frac{1}{M_{outlet}}\left[\frac{1+\frac{k-1}{2} M_{outlet}^2}{1+\frac{k-1}{2}}\right]^{\frac{k+1}{2(k-1)}}\) where \(c1\) compensate for non-uniform outlet profiles, \(A_{outlet}\) is geometrical outlet patch area and \(A_1\) is assumed nozzle throat area.

In the non-choked case the outlet patch Mach number is calculated as \(M_{outlet} = \frac{A_1} {c1\;A_{outlet}} \sqrt{\frac{2}{k-1}\left[r^\frac{2}{k}-r^\frac{k+1}{k} \right]}\)

The accompanying boundary conditions for velocity should be pressureInletOutletVelocity.


Fox, R. W., McDonald, A. T., & Mitchell, J. W. (2020).
Fox and McDonald's introduction to fluid mechanics.
John Wiley & Sons.


The condition requires entries in both the boundary and field files.

Boundary file

    type            patch;

Field file

    // Mandatory entries
    type            outletMachNumberPressure;
    pBack           <scalar>;
    choked          <bool>;

    // Optional entries
    M               <scalar>;
    c1              <scalar>;
    A1              <scalar>;
    phi             <word>;
    rho             <word>;
    U               <word>;
    relax           <scalar>;

    // Inherited entries


Property Description Type Required Default
type Type name: outletMachNumberPressure word yes -
pBack Pressure downstream of nozzle bool yes -
choked Defines nozzle conditions bool yes -
M Outlet Mach number scalar no 0
c1 Correction factor for non-uniform profiles scalar no 0
A1 Nozzle throat area [m^2] scalar no 0
relax Underrelaxation of static pressure scalar no 0
phi Name of flux field word no phi
rho Name of density field word no rho
U Name of velocity field word no U

The inherited entries are elaborated in:

  • fixedValueFvPatchField.H

Further information


Source code:



  • Introduced in version v2206