
When running a simulation in parallel, the geometry must first be decomposed (segmented) into individual geometries for each MPI process. These separate geometries are connected using special processor boundary patches. The processor-specific constant/polyMesh/boundary files will contain this type of entry:

    type            processor;
    inGroups        1(processor);
    nFaces          131;
    startFace       34983;
    matchTolerance  0.0001;
    transform       unknown;
    myProcNo        0;
    neighbProcNo    14;


  • deomposePar

The serial decomposePar utility is a commonly used method to decompose domains and subsequently distribute the fields.

  • reconstructPar

The serial reconstructPar and reconstructParMesh utilities can be used to reconstruct a single domain from the processor sub-domains.

The parallel all-in-one tool redistributePar can perform both decomposition and reconstruction, and case redistribution.

The decomposeParDict

The decomposeParDict is required by decompose utilities and for any solvers or utilities running in parallel. It is normally located in the simulation system directory. The -decomposeParDict name command-line option can be used to specify an alternate file.

The numberOfSubdomains entry is mandatory:

numberOfSubdomains  <int>;

The method entry is required for the decomposePar utility and specifies the decomposition method type:

method  <word>;

The method entry is generally not required when running a simulation.

OpenFOAM offers a variety of decomposition methods and interfaces to external, third-party decomposition routines. The types of decomposition methods available will thus depend on your particular installation.

If a decomposition method requires any additional configuration controls, these are specified either within in a generic coeffs dictionary that or a method-specific version. For example,

method  hierarchical;

    n   (4 2 3);

// -----

method  metis;

    method  k-way;

For simplicity, the generic coeffs dictionary is generally preferable. However, for some specific decomposition methods, e.g., multiLevel only the method-specific coefficients dictionary is permitted.


When running multi-region simulations, it may be desirable to use different decomposition methods for one or more regions, or even to have fewer processors allocated to a particular region. If, for example, the multi-region simulation contains a large fluid region and a very small solid region, it can be advantageous to decompose the solid onto fewer processors.

The region-wise specification is contained in a regions sub-dictionary within the decomposeParDict. For example,

numberOfSubdomains  2048;
method  metis;

        numberOfSubdomains  2;
        method  hierarchical;
            n   (2 1 1);

        numberOfSubdomains  16;
        method  scotch;

The top-level numberOfSubdomains remains mandatory, since this specifies the number of domains for the entire simulation. The individual regions may use the same number or fewer domains. The numberOfSubdomains entry within a region specification is only needed if the value differs.

Multi-level decomposition

The Foam::multiLevelDecomp decomposition provides a general means of successively decomposing with different methods. Each application of the decomposition is termed a level. For example,

numberOfSubdomains  2048;
method  multiLevel;

        numberOfSubdomains 128;
        method  hierarchical;
            n   (16 4 2);
        numberOfSubdomains 2;
        method  scotch;
        numberOfSubdomains 8;
        method  metis;

For cases where the same method is applied at each level, this can also be conveniently written in a much shorter form:

numberOfSubdomains  2048;
method  multiLevel;

    method  scotch
    domains (128 2 8);

When the specified domains is smaller than numberOfSubdomains but can be resolved as an integral multiple, this integral multiple is used as the first level. This can make it easier to manage when changing the number of domains for the simulation. For example,

numberOfSubdomains  1024;
method  multiLevel;

    method  scotch
    domains (2 8);    //< inferred as   domains (64 2 8);


These are constraints applied to the decomposition. Typical uses might be e.g. to keep a cyclicAMI patch on a single processor (might speed up simulation) or have maximum local donors in an overset case.

    // Keep owner and neighbour of baffles on same processor
    // (ie, keep it detectable as a baffle).
    // Baffles are two boundary face sharing the same points
        type    preserveBaffles;
        enabled true;

    // Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in zones
        type    preserveFaceZones;
        zones   (".*");
        enabled true;

    // Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in patches
    // (only makes sense for cyclic patches. Not suitable for e.g.
    // cyclicAMI since these are not coupled on the patch level.
    // Use singleProcessorFaceSets for those.
        type    preservePatches;
        patches (".*");
        enabled true;

    // Keep all of faceSet on a single processor. This puts all cells
    // connected with a point, edge or face on the same processor.
    // (just having face connected cells might not guarantee a balanced
    // decomposition)
    // The processor can be -1 (the decompositionMethod chooses the
    // processor for a good load balance) or explicitly provided (upsets
    // balance)
        type    singleProcessorFaceSets;
        sets    ((f1 -1));
        enabled true;

    // Decompose cells such that all cell originating from single cell
    // end up on same processor
        type    refinementHistory;
        enabled true;

    // Prevent decomposition splitting of the geometric regions
    // Uses any topoSetFaceSource for selecting the constrained faces
        type    geometric;

        grow    false;

                source  box;
                min     (-10 -10 -10);
                max     (1 1 1);

                source  sphere;
                origin  (-2 -2 1);
                radius  1;

                source  surface;
                surfaceType  triSurfaceMesh;
                surfaceName  blob.obj;