In the final stage of the mesh generation process, prismatic cell layers are inserted into the void formed by shrinking the mesh. These are constructed on patches according to the specification in the addLayerControls dictionary.

  • cells added during this phase can be visualised in ParaView as a cellSet. Refer to the writeFlags
  • detailed statistics of the layer coverage is written on completion
  • the success of the layer growth depends on the mesh quality after the shrinking. To help the process the mesh quality settings can be relaxed by setting relaxed section in the meshQualityControls dictionary. The relaxed parameters are then used for iterations controlled by nRelaxedIter.

Global parameters

First the parameters global to all patches are specified (some can be overwritten locally). Patches where to grow the layers must be specified together with number of layers, expansion ratio and the first or final layer thickness.

    relativeSizes           yes;
    expansionRatio          1.1;
    finalLayerThickness     0.3;
    firstLayerThickness     0.3; // alternatively to finalLayerThickness
    thickness               0.5; // alternatively to the above
    minThickness            0.1;

Layer Specification

  • patches to grow the layers on can be specified in various ways
  • each patch can have different set-up, where unspecified, the global parameters apply
  • to disable the mesh shrinking and layer growth on particular patch, set nSurfaceLayers set to zero

Static mesh parameters

When two surfaces upon which layers are built are connected, the mesh may or may not be shrunk depending on the settings. When the angle between the two surfaces is smaller then parameter featureAngle value, the mesh will shrink in the corner from both surfaces.

Patch displacement

The mesh shrinking process benefits from smoothed patch-normals as the mesh is withdrawn in the patch-normal direction. Normals are specified on the mesh vertices, which are moved during the shrinking. When a patch is non-planar its normal directions are smoothed to minimise mesh distortion. This is also important where patches with- and without layers are in close proximity. Other parameter requiring smoothing is the overall layer thickness.

Mesh shrinking set-up

Two types of mesh shrinking algorithm are available:

  • distance-to-medial surface approximation (default) will evenly distribute the shrinking, but can result in a local mesh distortion.
  • displacementMotionSolver meshShrinker is a wrapper around the displacement motion solvers (used for dynamic mesh functionality). The settings in the snappyHexMeshDict dictionary must be complemented by solver settings in the fvSolution and discretisation settings in the fvSchemesfiles. The displacementLaplacian or displacementSBRStress solvers target elliptic problems, resulting in a smooth mesh shrinking.

DisplacementMedialAxis mesh shrinker

The default model for snappyHexMesh. The algorithm is trying to evenly distribute the shrinking following these steps:

  • determines the distance of all mesh points in the mesh to the nearest surface where the layers are to be built
  • all edges where the nearest point is different are medial axis edges
  • determine for all mesh points the distance to either the nearest point on a medial axis edge or on a fixed wall to determine the shrink factor
  • move the mesh and check the mesh
  • apply relaxing iteration

DisplacementMotionSolver mesh shrinker

The alternative meshShrinker can be chosen to avoid local distortion of the mesh resulting from displacementMedialAxis default solver.

Evaluating mesh points movement with a laplacian solver brings very smooth shrinking. By choosing inverseDistance diffusivity parameter the mesh is deformed away from the surface allowing undistorted mesh to be displaced without destroying its quality.


    meshShrinker    displacementMotionSolver;

    solver          displacementLaplacian;

        diffusivity     quadratic inverseDistance 1(wall);

The solver for cellDisplacement field must be specified in the fvSolution file:

    solver          GAMG;
    smoother        GaussSeidel;
    tolerance       1e-7;
    relTol          0.01;

The laplacian discretisation must be also specified for cellDisplacement in fvSchemesfile (either by default settings or explicitly)

    //default         Gauss linear corrected;
    laplacian(diffusivity,cellDisplacement) Gauss linear corrected;

Following pictures show comparison of two shrinking algorithms applied to iglooWithFridges tutorial. Left picture shows the default algorithm, while the right picture shows the displacement motion solver. Each picture shows two boxes. The left one with specified features refinement and the right box without the feature refinement. The default algorithm is not very successful in adding layers at the corners when the mesh is coarser (right box) while the displacementMotionSolver is capable to add layers even on coarser mesh. The contour in the bottom picture shows the number of layers added. The red colour represents all five layers requested, while dark blue stands for zero layers.

mesh shrinker comparison - the mesh mesh shrinker comparison - the number of added layers


relativeSizes [boolean]

When switched to no, layer thickness is set in metres, when switched to yes the size is determined from the undistorted cell size outside the layer. Setting the thickness in absolute scale will result in constant thickness of the layers ignoring the local refinement along the surface.

expansionRatio [scalar]

To calculate relative size to the prescribed thickness of either first or final layer

finalLayerThickness [scalar]

Given in relative or absolute size; values of 0.3 - 0.5 leads to a smooth transition to volume mesh

firstLayerThickness [scalar]

Given in relative or absolute size; values of 0.3 - 0.5

thickness [scalar]

Overall thickness of the cells (size specification depends on the relativeSizes parameter). Ignored if using finalLayerThickness or firstLayerThickness.

minThickness [scalar]

Minimum overall thickness of layers. When layer thickness falls below the layers are not grown at the position. May result in collapsed layers but will protect the cell shapes and mesh quality.

nSurfaceLayers [label]

Sets the number of layers per patch

        // referring to specific patch/region in STL
            nSurfaceLayers          3;

        // using regular expression
            nSurfaceLayers          3;
            expansionRatio          1.2;
            finalLayerThickness     0.3;
            minThickness            0.1;

nGrow [label]

Close to the features and patches where the layers are not grown, the layer growth can be delayed. Value gives number of layers of cells where point extrusion is cancelled. With default value 0 points are extruded directly next to the feature.

nBufferCellsNoExtrude [label]

Create buffer region for new layer terminations, i.e. gradually step down number of layers. Set to less than 0 to terminate layer in one go

nLayerIter [label]

Overall max number of layer addition iterations. The mesher will exit if it reaches this number of iterations; possibly with an illegal mesh.

nRelaxedIter [label]

Max number of iterations after which relaxed mesh quality controls are used. Up to nRelaxedIter it uses the settings in meshQualityControls after nRelaxedIter it uses the relaxed values.

additionalReporting [boolean]

If there are just a few faces where there are mesh errors (after adding the layers) print their face centres. This helps in tracking down problematic mesh areas.

featureAngle [scalar]

When not to extrude the mesh. To extrude, the angle between surfaces must be smaller then the parameter value.

slipFeatureAngle [scalar]

Allow the sliding of points on the patch without the layer grown if angle to the patch extrusion direction is larger.

The default value is one half of the featureAngle.

mergePatchFacesAngle [scalar]

If a cell has multiple faces on the same patch these get merged if they form a single face and the angles between the individual faces are less than mergePatchFacesAngle. Merging multiple faces into one big face generally helps with layer addition.

The default value is featureAngle.

maxFaceThicknessRatio [scalar]

Stop layer growth on highly warped cells

    featureAngle            130;
    mergePatchFacesAngle    45;
    maxFaceThicknessRatio   0.5;
    slipFeatureAngle        30;

concaveAngle [scalar]

Limit for deciding which co-planar faces become concave after merging where:

  • 0: straight
  • 180: fully concave

layerTerminationAngle [scalar] OPTIONAL

Do not extrude around sharp edges if both faces are not fully extruded i.e. if one of the faces on either side would become a wedge.

Default is 0.5*featureAngle. Set to -180 always attempt extrusion

nSmoothSurfaceNormals [label]

Number of patch normal smoothing iterations; typically low number of iterations is required

nSmoothThickness [label]

Smooth layer thickness over the surface patches; typically 10 iterations are sufficient

    nSmoothSurfaceNormals   1;
    nSmoothThickness        10;

minMedialAxisAngle [scalar]

Minimum angle to select the medial axis points

maxThicknessToMedialRatio [scalar]

Will reduce the layer growth where ratio of thickness to medial distance is large (typically in narrow cavities)

nMedialAxisIter [label]

Shrinking is driven by distance between two surfaces even when they are far away. Limiting the number of steps walking away from the surface may help to minimise distortion of the mesh.

Default is unlimited.

nSmoothDisplacement [label]

Smooth displacement of the mesh after the medial axis is determined.

Default value is 0 (no smoothing).

detectExtrusionIsland [boolean]

Flag switched to true to avoid extruding points (hence building layers) where all surrounding points are not extruded, when false avoid extruding where all surrounding faces are not fully extruded

nRelaxIter [label]

Number of relaxation steps (where relaxed mesh quality parameters are used)

    minMedialAxisAngle          90;
    maxThicknessToMedialRatio   0.3;
    nMedialAxisIter             10;
    nSmoothDisplacement         90;
    detectExtrusionIsland       true;
    nRelaxIter                  5;

nSmoothNormals [label]

Number of smoothing iterations of interior mesh movement direction